Central dogma And Teminism

Genetics and 

Molecular Biology


 Central Dogma :-

This theory was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick. ( Discoverer of the structure of DNA)

he was jointly awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material".[

  • The interaction between nucleic acids and proteins is known as central dogma. 

  • This theory explains how protein synthesis is controlled by nucleic acids.

  • On the one hand DNA replicates itself and on the other hand it also controls the synthesis of all types of genetic RNA.

  • These RNAs  participate in the synthesis of specific proteins.

  • Thus according to the central dogma information flow is in one direction only.

  • The information is transferred from DNA to mRNA and then this information is translated as protein by mRNA. 

A  figure of Central dogma

A  figure of Central dogma

# Reverse transcription ( Teminism) :- 

  • Evidence for the synthesis of DNA on RNA templates in Ross sarcoma virus was obtained in 1970 by two US scientists Howard Temin and David Baltimore in two different laboratories.

  • Because of this it is called as Teminism.

  • This discovery was considered important for cancer disease information.

  • Therefore, Temin and Baltimore, and another third American scientist in London, R. Dulbecco(also engaged in this work), also received the 1975 Nobel Prize in Medicine

Howard Martin Temin

Prize share: ⅓

David Baltimore

Prize share: ⅓

Renato Dulbecco

Prize share: ⅓

Thank you !


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